This extensive upgrade to the Irwin Creek WWTP in Charlotte, North Carolina improves hydraulics, capacity, treatment, and energy efficiencies. Significant new structures included two new aeration basins, one final clarifier, a new blower building, and a chemical storage facility. Upgrades to existing facilities included modifications of three primary clarifiers, improvements to the effluent filter and RAS/WAS pump station, and replacement of three final clarifier mechanisms. These new and modified systems are served by a complete complement of pumps, piping, electrical, and control work.
The plant improvements provide a significant increase in plant process efficiency by renovating and modernizing many of the individual treatment processes. Significantly, the new and modified systems allow flow between the primary treatment and the aeration basins to occur via gravity. Changes to the hydraulic profile, along with the construction of the new aeration basins, clarifier, and other facilities, required detailed construction phasing and delivery scheduling.